WordPress SEO

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Our detailed and strategical WordPress SEO plan can really increase website traffic and get you ranked for the keywords you choose and the keywords which convert. 

Proven & Chosen the Best SEO for WordPress: Design and Rank

WordPress is used for half of the world’s websites and thus, if you don’t know how your website is made, it is probably made in WordPress. To make this website popular, you would need specialised SEO for WordPress website which is a special offering from the leader of SEO companies in India, Design and Rank. Simply stated, we are the best SEO for WordPress because the way we understand WordPress is unmatched by our competitors and thus, the way we do SEO for WordPress websites is not what you can get from them. 

Design and Rank is rated the no. 1 agency for SEO for WordPress websites by multiple clients. When we do your SEO for WordPress, there is a surety that your site will rank for the keywords you choose. There is also a surety that your site will never be penalised because we never employ the forbidden techniques. With us, the results are fast, favourable, stable and update-proof, always.

Top Experts
Online Strategies
Great Results
Highest Rankings

Why Design and Rank is the Best SEO for WordPress

Fast Result :

We obtain ranking for your WordPress site quick and fast so that you gain ranking and traffic quickly. Within a few weeks from starting the campaign, your traffic and ranking skyrockets, leading to greater business revenue.

Update-proof :

We don’t use any forbidden techniques in SEO for WordPress website and thus, not only these results don’t change during Google updates, they remain fairly stable on the SERP as well. Your site never faces Google manual penalty either.

Specialised WordPress SEO :

SEO for WordPress website is different from other platforms and our SEO campaigns take care of all the special WordPress needs like snippet optimisation, canonical link handling, SEO metadata submission and more.

Ecommerce SEO :

We are simply the best SEO for WordPress websites when WordPress ecommerce sites are in. Using our methodical and innovative SEO campaign, we can increase not only the ranking and traffic but the actual sales of the website.

Advantages of SEO for WordPress Websites

Improved Ranking & Traffic :

Properly done SEO leads to increased ranking and traffic. A well-made site needs traffic to become popular and if it is an ecommerce site, traffic is needed for the actual sales. SEO for WordPress websites are aimed to do those.

Improved site structure :

WordPress websites can be messy and the best SEO for WordPress websites would create a URL structure format, handle the canonical links, insert the proper metadata and technically readies your website for Google bot.

Better Conversion :

Improved conversion rate is achieved via best SEO for WordPress SEO campaigns include many factors including Landing Page Optimisation (LPO) or positioning the CTA differently so that visitors become actual buyers.

Ready for PPC :

SEO for WordPress websites also make the site ready for Pay Per Click campaigns. Properly done SEO allows better creation of PPC snippets. Moreover, SEO decides the URLs and the quality score of increases with properly designed URLs.

Better Data :

SEO for WordPress websites also involve integrating different tracking modules into the website and collecting detailed data for visitor interaction. Visitor count, engagement level, bounce rate, session duration and other data remain at your fingertips.

Improved ROI :

Good SEO for WordPress websites lead to higher ranking and traffic which consequently leads to higher sales, revenue and profit. SEO doesn’t have a running cost, unlike PPC, which means this is a very ROI-positive campaign.

Unbeatable Features of SEO for WordPress Websites from Design and Rank

On-page SEO :

Our SEO for WordPress websites include complete on-page, technical SEO activities which include content optimisation, image optimisation, tracking code integration, SEO metadata optimisation and similar activities.

Off-page SEO :

We get backlinks from reputed, authoritative websites, remove harmful linking, create social media awareness and buzzes and publish timely blogs, articles and press releases so that the site remains at the top and we remain the best SEO for WordPress

Copywriting :

We also place increased importance of SERP snippets because that determines the CTR. We prepare special snippets, check them for each page and then upload them so your snippet is attractive, informative and a click-bait.

Immaculate Link building :

Our link building endeavours always stress on getting few but good links. This qualitative approach is the key to success in SEO 2.0 yet many of our competitors fail to realise this. Our SEO for WordPress website always keep the profile spotlessly clean.

Link Detox :

We have a special team which takes care of the bad link removal process so that your link profile always remain clean. We have trained this team thoroughly and they are expert users of different link profile checking tools. We also make ample use of Google Disavow tool when a link persists.

Timely Reporting :

We always send bi-weekly and monthly reports to each of our clients containing detailed data and also key takeaways. Whatever your style may be, you will always know how successful the SEO for WordPress website have been.

Free Analysis :

We always treat you with a free welcome gift and in this case, a completely FREE SEO Audit awaits you if you decide to subscribe to our SEO for WordPress website Learn why you need the best SEO for WordPress, Design and Rank, before you hire us.

SERP Snippet Optimisation :

We always send bi-weekly and monthly reports to each of our clients containing detailed data and also key takeaways. Whatever your style may be, you will always know how successful the SEO for WordPress website have been.

Have A Project In Mind? Call Us Today!